JUNE was holiday time at Majengo…
And we asked Amina B, an 18 year old Majengo child to tell us how she spent her days on holiday. Here is a day in the life, in her words:My name is Amina Bakari. I am 18 years old. I am a form three student at Notre Dame Secondary School. [At] this time I am [on] my holiday at the [Majengo] centre. During holidays, I normally perform different activities at home. There are home activities and school work.
First I wake up at 6:30am. This time I usually do cleaning. The cleaning combines together environmental cleaning and my body cleaning. It actually takes like one hour and a half. Then after, at 8:00, I prepare breakfast for all and help with other kitchen activities. Preparing breakfast takes short time. When I finish I settle down at 8:30 am. I am busy doing my home packages* that I am. Given from school. The packages are actually like test that you are given from school to fill them [in] when you are at home, so that it can keep you busy. This takes a bit [of a] long time like three hours because I have to do it with so much concentration.
After I am done with the packages, I take my breakfast. After I complete taking my breakfast, I have to be in class for tuition**. In tuition we learn different subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry and geography. [My] favourite subjects are chemistry and geography. Also tuition takes three hours and a half. When we are done with tuition, [our] teachers leave us with homework to do. After class I put my books well in my room and take my lunch.
When I am done with the lunch, it is time to refresh my mind because I am tired from class. [I like to have] fun by watching television. I watch interesting movies like Korean movies [such as] “Seven Heroes”. I take two hours only. After that I take time to have fun with my friends like making stories, walking together and exchanging ideas. When it reaches 5:00, I take a shower and prepare myself for dinner at 7:30. When I am done with my food, I do some simple cleaning in the dining room, so it is ready for watching [videos after dinner]. I can watch up to 10:00pm. [At} his time, I enter in my room. In the room, we are seven girls: Rachel, Debora, Neema, Supuko, Mariam, Hawa and I. We do listen to some songs and make fun stories. Finally I take my rest unitl the coming day and thank God for the day he gave to me.
*home packages is homework given by each child’s school for them to complete while on holiday.
**tuition is extra classes that Majengo facilitates to help the children gain proficiency in their most challenging subjects.

“Education should be available to everyone, especially girls. It can make children’s lives better. I believe it will improve social justice for all.”
– Amina, 18
Help make Majengo safe and secure, and free from floods…
Though we have 24 hour security guards, Majengo is in desperate need of a security fence. Not only will this security fence protect the centre from intruders, and keep the children safe – it will also protect the grounds from floods. Earlier this year, while there was very intense flooding in Mto Wa Mbu, Majengo got flooded, and the gardens and trees suffered. Help us ensure that this never happens again. Donate towards our $24,500 CAD goal today.

Grains Vs. Grapes – November 3rd in Chantilly, VA
Join us for food and festivities. TO learn more and buy tickets today, click here!
Grains Vs. Grapes – November 10th in Warren, PA
This spectacular event is an annual occasion in Warren, PA. Come out for food in support of your favourite cause. To learn more, and buy a ticket, click HERE!
We would like to extend a special thank you to our friends Charlie, Ellie & Hannah, who celebrated their birthdays in June with a Majengo party! Instead of presents, they asked their friends and family to donate to Majengo, to help support all of the children at MCH. If you would like to learn more about hosting your own birthday party (for you or your children) in support of Majengo, please e-mail us at info@majengo.org. We will send you everything you need from an invitation, thank you cards, a special Happy Birthday video from the Majengo kids, and party favours!