Back To School Handwashing Program

To our wonderful Majengo family,Β 

Schools reopened at Majengo on June 29th, and things have been busy and challenging since that date. Thanks to your support, we were able to lend a hand to the broader Majengo community and provide soap and handwashing kits to many schools and children. Β 

Over the last week the team at MCH has worked with 13Β schools in the surrounding area toΒ distribute:

7,428Β soap kitsΒ 
120Β handwashing stations
360Β information packs
12Β training sessions

When the program has been completely implemented, it will help supportΒ more than 14,000Β children.

We could not have dreamed of doing this without your help!

Thank you.

In addition to our CHEK +FOOD programming, and our Soap and Handwashing Program, Majengo has been working hard with our local hospital (FAME), Dr. Reed and our infection control practitioner in CanadaΒ to create a robust plan that will help guide behaviours and practices in the event a child falls ill at school and needs to return to the centre. Unfortunately, hospitals in Tanzania are largely not treating patients with COVID-19, so implementing programming at Majengo isΒ imperative.Β This program aims to:Β 

– Equip the staff at Majengo with the knowledge of how to deal with a sick child
– Implement best practices to ensure any infection is contained and quarantined at Majengo
– Ensure all of the staff at Majengo has access to all required personal protective equipment (PPE)
– Ensure PPEΒ is used effectively and safely to prevent spread
– Ensure Majengo has enough trained staff to care for multiple sick children at once.

To meet these objectives, a training program is being put on at Majengo, hosted by FAME hospital to ensure we are prepared to care for children at Majengo. We have also hired an additional nurse to step in as required.

Any donation made to Majengo at this time will help us continue our COVID-19 Programming in the Majengo area, and ensure our programs at the centre continue to run safely with no reduction in the quality of care.Β 

A donation of $55 USDΒ can pay for a full set of personal protective equipment for our nurse, including an N95 mask. You can donate online at

We are so thankful for your help.