Two exciting things happening this month at Majengo:
New Library
We have installed a new library shelf at Majengo where the children have access to books of many different levels. The books have been organized in to categories reflecting ability and subject. The children are able to read when they are finished their homework with our new solar lights and many curl up on the weekend reading quietly together and individually.
We are really happy with our little library, and are trying now to raise funds for new books and new furniture that will allow the children to have a more comfortable.
Our Littlest Graduate
Mama Anna’s School turned 10, and one of our littlest students, Pendo, graduated into from senior kindergarten. There was a wonderful celebration at Mama Anna’s School where Majengo was recognized for its contribution to the development of the school over the last 10 years. We were very grateful to be recognized on such an auspicious occasion, and we look forward to several more of our students graduating from Primary School entirely, next year.
Congratulations Pendo!