In The Home

In The Home

Majengo Children’s Home provides food, clothing, education, and love to the vulnerable children selected to live within the home to help them grow up to be self-sufficient adults who give back to their community.

Home Life

Majengo began in 2008 as a home for vulnerable children in the community who had nowhere else to turn. While the programs have expanded significantly since then, Majengo still maintains a happy, healthy home environment for children who do not have safe places to grow up.Β 

At Majengo, we support each child individually through the provision of their basic needs and education – all while maintaining a comfortable, loving and supportive environment that is designed to help children grow and thrive.Β 

The Four Building Blocks

There are four main building blocks that help shape the programming that exists within the Majengo Children’s Home. All of these blocks contribute to our objective of helping children grow to be self-sufficient and healthy adults who can one day help their communities thrive.Β 

Majengo aims to equips each child with a strong foundation to become independent and well-adjusted.


Maintaining a centre with accessible roads, beds to sleep in and security all day helps make the centre a safe and secure home. Not only does this ensure the safety and well-being of each child, but it allows them to feel calm and protected which many of them did not experience before coming to Majengo Children’s Home.


Hygiene and sanitation is critical to keeping all of the children healthy, including those with chronic health conditions. Proper sinks, clean drinking water, bathrooms, and hygiene programs prevent the spread of germs and diseases.

Children at the centre are also provided with very comprehensive care including physicals bi-annually, check-ups whenever needed, routine vaccinations, dental visits and access to any specialist that may be required. Children with chronic health conditions are treated on an individual basis and taken to specialists, targeted clinics, and given special nutrition to help them maintain their health.

Majengo has a full-time nurse on staff who lives at Majengo. She is available all day, every day.


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela.Β 

Majengo provides uniforms, school fees, books and any materials that make going to school possible. The children in this program range in age from 3 to 20+. This means education opportunities available are very diverse from pre-school all the way to post-secondary education which can mean university, college or vocational training.


Keeping food on the table helps the kids grow and thrive. In addition to providing healthy balanced meals, we also have a farm and garden to ensure continuous food security and to teach farming skills. 


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