MCH’s Mid-Year Report: Part 2!

Welcome to PART 2 of our 2020 Mid-Year Report!

Your contributions to our programs has been essential to our success as an organization. We have managed to not only maintain quality care at Majengo Children’s Home, but to also expand our programming in the changing atmosphere surrounding the coronavirus. This would not have been possible without you.

Please read about some of our newest programming here!


CHEK Program: As a response to the global coronavirus pandemic, Majengo created the CHEK (Coronavirus Handwashing Emergency Kit). These kits included an information booklet, soap and masks, as well as a bucket with a tap. They were distributed around the Majengo community to families lacking access to sanitation materials, and running water. Each drop-off also included training on handwashing and how to keep yourself safe from coronavirus. The team was able to distribute more than 500 kits in the area, providing 700 families with the ability to wash their hands.


CHEK +FOOD Program:  Since school in Tanzania remained closed for several months, Majengo was able to provide small and large food pack subsidies to families with children in our Live-Out, Masai Girls and Pre-School Program, as well as some of the most vulnerable relatives of children currently living at Majengo. These food pack subsidies provided basic food items including beans, and cooking oil in an effort to provide food security for families, and especially children who were missing regular meals at school. Majengo was able to distribute 336 of these packs during school closures.

Homeschool Program: Since all of our pre-school students are currently at home, we were able to prepare homeschool packages to distribute monthly to help keep our littlest students busy. Along with a new pencil, each student receives a booklet of fun exercises to help keep their brains active, and help give their parents or guardians a little time to tend to the vegetable gardens, take care of younger children, or prepare meals.

Back To School Handwashing Program: With children returning to schools, Majengo became aware of the lack of handwashing facilities, and lack of soap available to many of the children. Majengo distributed  thousands of soap kits to students, and helped establish handwashing stations at many schools in the Majengo community.


On behalf of the 195 children enrolled in Majengo’s programming, and the hundreds of families and thousands of students we have been supporting in the broader community, thank you! 
Thank you for the important part you play in the Majengo story.