Sorry I haven’t caught up in a long time! Quickly to date, I’m leaving in an hour. We’ve finished building 3 great houses for the kids, a big new dining room, an open kitchen, a staff resting area, and completed landscaping with trees, flowers, and bougainvilleas. There is also a new soccer field that is freshly grassed – up to the shoulders, so got to buy a lawn mower! – a netball court, swings, and a playground. It is fabulous! Solar is going in, soon. Charles and I are heading up to Nairobi on Tuesday to meet with our solar installers. One component is stuck at customs!
The kids are doing wonderfully, all 85 of them. 81 are at Mama Anna’s and 4 in secondary school. Majengo Canada is building a new Board, hired Simone, and wrote a great proposal for grant applications (7 pending and 2 have come through). More more more when I get back June 24th – promise!
Here’s where we started in March 2008: 52 children destitute and a daycare on a mud floor.
And here is where we are now! Congratulations to everyone who continues to support Majengo. Thank you so much!