Keeping Girls In School!
Majengo strives to bolster the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals which include Quality Education For All and Gender Equality. Unfortunately girls in Sub-Saharan Africa struggle to gain access to education, and are not afforded the same opportunities as their male counterparts.
Across the globe, girls remain twice as likely as boys to never start school at all.
This year, the vulnerability of girls was highlighted while schools were closed for many months. Girls, who in regular times face barriers to education, were at an increased risk while the safety provided by a classroom was not available.
Generally, girls are more likely to suffer from mistreatment like child marriage, early pregnancy, sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation that can end their education abruptly. For example, in Tanzania, if a girl becomes pregnant, she is permanently expelled from school. When school is closed, the risk of mistreatment is much higher.
School saves.
School provides a safe place for girls.
At school, a girl child is far less likely to be forced into marriage, have an unplanned pregnancy or suffer from exploitation.
Now that school is open again in Tanzania, we are committed to continue promoting education for our girls and boys to ensure their safety and their success in the future. This year has shown us once again how important it is to empower the Majengo girls, and girls in the broader community.
At Majengo, we believe in girls and we know classrooms can keep girls safe.
Majengo’s programming emphasizes, the importance of education.
During School Closures:
Though schools were closed from March to July, Majengo worked hard to provide support to all the students both inside and outside of the centre, regardless of gender. Majengo provided:
– homeschool work packs
– school supplies
– food subsidies
– handwashing kits and coronavirus education
Additionally, classes were held within the centre to keep up with the curriculum.
These initiatives were not only put in place to support children and their families through a difficult time, but also to ensure that all students, and especially girls, remained engaged in school and would be eager to return as soon as possible. Keeping girls engaged is just one small way to keep them safe, and help them return to the classroom.
The children enrolled in Majengo’s education programming are continuing to return to school as they open. Majengo mentors, supports and empowers its students to achieve their best and remain motivated and determined while pursuing their education.
A girl who can advocate for herself will be much more likely to succeed
In addition to providing school supplies, fees and mentorship, Majengo also takes special care to emphasize the importance of each girl child’s education and works to empower them to be independent and outspoken.
Today is The International Day of The Girl Child, and we are thrilled to celebrate our girls – both old and young – who continue to achieve, succeed and grow every single day. As Malala Yousafzai said, ” We cannot all succeed if half of us are held back.”

“If I could change one thing in the world, I would change the world to be a world of equality without any discrimination…”
– Amina, 19
When you support Majengo, you are supporting education, equality and opportunity.
By Supporting Majengo’s Education Programs, you are helping bridge the opportunity gap. With increased funding, we can offer additional openings in our programs.