Success Stories

Success Stories

The MCH "kids"are growing up!

14 youth 

who are finishing secondary school this year.

5 young        


currently in university.

8 grads

who have completed their education and now support themselves as self-sufficient young adults.


At Majengo, success comes in many different forms. As the young adults at Majengo age, we can see success through their development both physically, socially and academically. We can measure success by looking at each young person’s skills, independence, social network and of course, their happiness.



Success is not only for older children however. We also have success stories about children still in Majengo’s programming who have shown drastic improvement in their circumstances in a short time through the care and support at Majengo.




Meet Loveness:

One of our current high-school students, Loveness, shows us success. Though she is not yet finished being supported by MCH, she is well into her academic journey and she has proven to us that her future will be bright.


Meet Eva:

Eva was a student in Majengo’s Maasai Girls program as soon as Majengo opened its doors. She comes from a family in a Maasai community outside of Mto wa Mbu. Eva wanted to go to school, but was not sure she would have the opportunity. 

Eva had the opportunity to enrol in Majengo’s Maasai Girls program and go to school to become a teacher. Eva is very patient and kind with her students and is especially fond of the youngest children. Today, Eva is one of the teachers at Majengo! She works full-time teaching the pre-school class and after school hours, she helps the Majengo kids with homework and studying. She also works closely with the Maasai Girls Program and the Bridge Program as a Maasai language translator, and a support person as she has unique experience and relates very well with the current students in the program.

Meet Samson:

Samson is a little boy who is 8 years old. He is currently in our Live-Out Program. Samson was introduced to Majengo through one of the cardiology screening programs that took place at Majengo. When he arrived, his teacher made sure to highlight to the clinic staff that she felt this student needed medical attention. Samson did test positive for Rheumatic Heart Disease but it still seemed that something was off. 

The Majengo staff were able to get Samson additional testing and eventually it was clear that he had unmanaged sickle cell anaemia. His mother was not aware of this disease and was skeptical at first. With some education from the Majengo nurse, and a meeting with the paediatrician Majengo works with, Samson’s mother was thrilled to be able to get Samson the help he needs from Majengo. Samson moved into Majengo for 8 weeks to get intensive care, and then returned to his mother in stable shape. He continues to be monitored by the Majengo team and is happily studying in grade 2. 

Meet Philip:

Philip is a young adult today, but came to Majengo when he was only a preschool student. Philip had a tough start and required a lot of attention from staff to settle into the routine at Majengo. Eventually, Philip got the opportunity to go to English school where he thrived socially and in language. However, he proved to have some challenges academically. 

Philip finished primary school and moved on to secondary school. He knew that he wanted to become a tour guide in the future and use his excellent English skills to help visitors see and appreciate the beauty of Tanzania. After his secondary schooling, Philip was able to take a course in tourism.

Today Philip is a certified tour guide. However, the tourism industry is not always lucrative and with COVID-19 making travel impossible for some time, Philip decided to pursue his second hobby, hairstyling! Today Philip works in a hair salon in a big city close to Mto wa Mbu, styling hair and specializing in dreadlocks! He is supporting himself, and may eventually get his drivers license to become a driving tour guide, making him even more employable.


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